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API Documentation for Vision Submodule

Describe this submodule.


Run vision.bash to start the basic detection service, or execute the commands seperately:

  1. Start the realsense driver with
    ros2 launch realsense2_camera align_depth.enable:=true depth_module.profile:=848x480x30 rgb_camera.profile:=848x480x30
  2. Start the detection service with
    ros2 run object_detection service


TopicMessage TypeDescription
/object_detectiontinker_vision_msgs/Objects.msgPublishes objects detected by Kinect.


Upon receiving a new image from the Kinect camera, publishes a tinker_vision_msgs/Objects message containing all the objects detected by YOLOv8. The latency should be less than 200ms.

tinker_vision_msgs/Objects message:

std_msgs/Header header

# 0 for success, 1 for fail
int32 status

# empty when status == 1
tinker_vision_msgs/Object[] objects

tinker_vision_msgs/Object message:

# confidence [0, 1]
float32 conf

# registered person id if tracking else 0
int16 id

# object class like 'person', 'apple', ...
string cls

# object's centroid in the camera's frame specified in header
geometry_msgs/Point centroid


ServiceMessage TypeDescription
/object_detection_servicetinker_vision_msgs/ObjectDetection.srvReturns objects detected by Kinect when requested.
/feature_extraction_servicetinker_vision_msgs/FeatureExtraction.srvExtracts features from an image and returns them.
/point_direction_servicetinker_vision_msgs/PointDirection.srvReturns the point direction of a person.
/object_classification_servicetinker_vision_msgs/ObjectClassification.srvClassifies all objects detected.



# empty by default, can be set to:
# - 'register_person': register the nearest person in the FOV and track him.
string mode


std_msgs/Header header
int32 status
int32 person_id
Object[] objects

Example Usage

from tinker_vision_msgs.srv import ObjectDetection

class ExampleClient(Node):
def __init__(self):
self.client = self.create_client(ObjectDetection, 'object_detection')

def send_request(self):
# fill the request
request = ObjectDetection.Request()
request.mode = ''

# call the service
future = self.client.call_async(request)
rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(self, future)

# get the results
objects = future.result().objects
person_id = future.result().person_id
return objects




Image image


std_msgs/Header header

# the direction is the line connecting the two points
float32 left_p1_x
float32 left_p1_y
float32 left_p2_x
float32 left_p2_y
float32 right_p1_x
float32 right_p1_y
float32 right_p2_x
float32 right_p2_y


tinker_vision_msgs/Category message:

# the category id of the object
int16 object_id

# the similarity score of the object to the category
float32 similarity
Image image
BoundingBox[] bounding_boxes


std_msgs/Header header
Category[] categories


Example Success Response

"id": 101,
"name": "India",
"iso3": "IND",
"iso2": "IN",
"phonecode": "91",
"capital": "New Delhi",
"currency": "INR",
"native": "भारत",
"emoji": "🇮🇳",
"emojiU": "U+1F1EE U+1F1F3"